IRSSI Autoconnect to IRC server network, join channel and identify to Nickserv

First start irssi and connect to the network you would like to autoconnect in the future, register your nickname with nickserv and then type in the following:

/server add -auto -network fn
/network add -nick user -autosendcmd "/msg nickserv IDENTIFY *******" fn
/channel add -auto #channel fn

Continue reading “IRSSI Autoconnect to IRC server network, join channel and identify to Nickserv”

Fix heartbleed / cve-2014-0160 on ARM Ubuntu 13.04 with packages from 12.04

Easy and dirty solution for your EOL (end of life) Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail for the Heartbleed / cve-2014-0160?

wget \ \

Continue reading “Fix heartbleed / cve-2014-0160 on ARM Ubuntu 13.04 with packages from 12.04”

Xbian/XBMC on Raspberry Pi tweaks

It seems that little bundle of joy called Raspberry Pi computer is perfect for media player and what better choice than XBMC. I have decided to use XBian distribution since it is optimized and tweaked just right. Here are few tips I have stumbled upon during setup:

Cache all filesystems (internet/local) and optimize cache fill rate to make playback as smooth as possible. In your /home/xbian/.xbmc/userdata/advancedsettings.xml you should add/edit following section: Continue reading “Xbian/XBMC on Raspberry Pi tweaks”