Mount Nextcloud as drive in Windows WebDAV

In order to mount your Nextcloud as drive in Windows, in command prompt use following command to mount it as drive N and replace YOURSERVER, YOURSERVERPORT, YOURUSERNAME and YOURPASSWORD with your values.

net use N: https://YOURSERVER:YOURSERVERPORT/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/your-username/ /user:YOURUSERNAME YOURPASSWORD

MusicBrainz Picard Plex naming script

Paste this into Options > Options > File naming > Edit file naming script…

$if($if2(%albumsort%,%album%),[$if2(%originalyear%,%year%)] $if2(%albumsort%,%album%),[] Unreleased)$if($eq_any(%releasetype%,Album,album),, [%releasetype%])/
$if(%tracknumber%,$num(%tracknumber%,2) ,)
$if(%artist%,%artist% - ,)$if2(%titlesort%,%title%)

Convert directory of .prg files to .asm in Windows

I wanted to convert my old Turbo Assembler sources from Commodore 64 to modern .asm files that I can use on any editor in PC.

There is a tool called TMPview that can make your life easier.

TMPview is a viewer/converter that inputs a binary format Turbo Assembler source code and outputs the ASCII equivalent in a format suitable as
input for our cross assembler, TMPx. Continue reading “Convert directory of .prg files to .asm in Windows”