Use two wireless network interfaces on Raspberry Pi 3

Recently I have made some physical changes to my home network. Moved the WiFi router to a more central position to get better coverage, but that meant also my main media player running Xbian could no longer be connected via Ethernet cable, but had to switch to WLAN.

Well wireless adapter on Pi3 is ok for basic stuff, but it does not have good antenna to achieve better network quality or it could run at least 150Mbits which I required. Continue reading “Use two wireless network interfaces on Raspberry Pi 3”

IRSSI Autoconnect to IRC server network, join channel and identify to Nickserv

First start irssi and connect to the network you would like to autoconnect in the future, register your nickname with nickserv and then type in the following:

/server add -auto -network fn
/network add -nick user -autosendcmd "/msg nickserv IDENTIFY *******" fn
/channel add -auto #channel fn

Continue reading “IRSSI Autoconnect to IRC server network, join channel and identify to Nickserv”