Here is the list of openstack storage commands and examples that I collected and found useful:
Openstack commands: | Cinder commands: |
Volume opearations: | Cinder operations: |
openstack volume create --size 1 [NAME] | cinder create 1 |
* It is not posible to undo a delete operation
** Adding –type [VOLUME_TYPE] to create options
Volume types: |
Volume operations: |
openstack volume type create thin --property volume_backend_name=lvm --property lvm:provisioning=thin* openstack volume types |
** In order to see parameter type use the “–long” option
Openstack commands: | Nova commands: |
Attaching and detaching volumes: | |
openstack server add volume SERVER_REF VOLUME_REF | nova volume-attach SERVER_REF VOLUME_ID [DEVICE] |
Boot from a volume CLI commands: | |
openstack volume create --image IMAGE_REF mybootvol | nova boot myinstance --nic .. --flavor .. --block-device source=volume,id=VOLUME_ID,dest=volume, size=SIZE,bootindex=0 |
* Libvirt (QEMU and KVM) ignore ‘–device’ parameter and you are stuck with whatever device filename Nova assigns
Openstack commands: | Cinder commands: |
Create snapshot: | |
openstack snapshot create --name myvol-snap4 myvol * | cinder snapshot-create --name myvol-snap4 myvol * |
Create volume from snapshot: | |
openstack volume create --snapshot myvol-snap4 myvol-lastweek | |
Backup create: | Backup restore: |
openstack volume backup create ** --name mybck myvol | openstack volume backup restore mybck myvol2 |
** To backup attached volume add parameter ‘–force’ , or ‘–incremental’ which stores the difference between current volume and previous backup. Base for incremental backup is the backup with the most recent timestamp.
*** Cinder client has ‘backup-create’ and ‘backup-restore’ commands.
**** Other openstack commands include ‘delete/list/show/set’ to delete backup, list backups, show backup details and set backup properties respectively.
Recover deleted files from a snapshot: |
Identify volume for backup: |
openstack volume list --long |
Indentify network where to launch new server: |
openstack network list |
Use clone of the image to launch an instance: |
openstack server create --volume myclonevol --nic net-id=... --flavor 1 --keyname mykey volserver |
To connect to this image security group and floating ip must be assigned: |
openstack server add security group volserver ssh |
Create some files to be recovered: |
cp /etc/passwd /home/username/file1 |
Create a snapshot of a still attached volume: |
openstack snapshot create --name myclonesnap myclonevol --force |
Remove a file: |
rm /home/username/file1 |
Since snapshot can not be attached to instance create volume first: |
openstack volume create --snapshot myclonesnap --size 1 tempvol |
Attach the new volume |
openstack server add volume volserver tempvol |
Log back to the server: |
ssh -i mykey.pem username@ip_address |
List block storage devices: |
lsblk |
Mount the new attached volume: |
mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/temp |
List the same directory from backup volume, both files should be present: |
ls -la /mnt/temp/home/username/ |
Copy the backup file from temporary mount to previous location: |
cp /mnt/temp/home/username/file1 /home/username/ |
Unmount backup volume: |
umount /mnt/temp |
Remove and delete redundant copy of the snapshot data: |
openstack server remove ovlume volserver tempvol |
Backup up and restoring volumes: |
Identify the server: |
openstack server list |
Show volume details: |
openstack volume show myclonevol |
Create backup of this attached volume: |
openstack volume backup create --name myclonevol.backup.$date +%y%m%d) --force |
Check the backup progress*: |
openstack volume backup list |
Create another file on the instance: |
ssh -i mykey.pem username@ip_address |
Create an incremental backup: |
openstack volume backup create --name myclonevol.backup.$date +%y%m%d)-1 --force --incremental |
Check the incremental backup progress: |
openstack volume backup list |
Inspect the backups: |
openstack volume backup show myclonevol.backup.YYMMDD** openstack volume backup show myclonevol.backup.YYMMDD-1*** |
Add another file to the instance: |
ssh -i mykey.pem username@ip_address |
Create another incremental backup: |
openstack volume backup create --name myclonevol.backup.$date +%y%m%d)-2 --force --incremental |
Check the incremental backup progress: |
openstack volume backup list |
Inspect the incremental backups:: |
openstack volume backup show myclonevol.backup.YYMMDD-1**** |
Simulate failure by removing files from this instance*****: |
rm -rf / exit |
Identify backup to restore the instance from: |
openstack volume backup list |
Restore most recent backup to an empty volume******: |
openstack volume create --size 1 myclonevol2 openstack volume backup restore myclonevol.backup.YYMMDD-2 myclonevol2 |
Launch an instance from the restored volume: |
openstack server create --volume myclonevol2 --nic net-id=... --flavor 1 --key-name mykey volserver-restored |
Add a security group and floating IP address and login: |
openstack server add security group volserver-restored ssh |
Check that all files are restored: |
ls -la / |
** Initial backup should have ‘has_dependant_backups’ set to ‘True’ and ‘is_incremental’ set to ‘False’.
*** Incremental backup should have ‘is_incremental’ set to ‘True’ and has no dependant backups so ‘has_dependant_backups’ is ‘False’.
**** Incremental backup is always created from the backup with the latest timestamp, which in this case is our previous incremental backup who should have now ‘has_dependant_backups’ set to ‘True’.
***** System is now broken beyond repair. Something that I always wanted to do 🙂
****** To restore to attached volume instance must be shutdown, that is why we are restoring to empty volume.
******* To enable volume backup option in the horizon dashboard ‘/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings’ should be edited and ‘OPENSTACK_CINDER_FEATURES = { ‘enable_backup’: False. }’ should be changed to ‘True’.
Openstack commands: | Swift commands: |
Creating containers and objects: | |
openstack container create myphotos openstack object create myphotos moon.jpg | swift post myphotos swift upload myphotos moon.jpg* |
Access data via URL: | |
http://CLOUD-ADDRESS:8080/v1/ACCOUNT/myphotos/moon.jpg | |
Object with ‘/’ in the name | Switch change object name: |
openstack object create myphotos localdir/moon.jpg** | swift upload myphotos localdir/moon.jpg --object-name=moon.jpg |
Show object details: | |
openstack show object myphotos moon.jpg | swift stat myphotos moon.jpg -v |
Deleting an object: | |
openstack object delete myphotos moon.jpg *** | |
List containers and objects: | |
openstack container list openstack object list myphotos --long | swift list --lh swift list myphotos --lh |
Downloading an object: | |
openstack object save myphotos sun/2020.jpg**** | |
Downloading objects with wget: | |
wget --user demo --password ******** $OBJECT_URL | |
Setting Metadata: | |
openstack object store account set --property category=astronomy | swift post -m location:japan myphotos moon.jpg |
Deleting Metadata*****: | |
openstack object store account unset --property category=astronomy | swift post -H "X-Remove-Object-Meta-Location: x"****** myphotos moon.jpg |
** Name of the object created with openstack command can not be changed, while swift client can change the name.
*** Deleted objects can not be undeleted.
**** Will create direcotry ‘sun’ and store ‘2020.jpg’ in it. You could also specify an alternate local filename with ‘–file sun.jpg’ parameter.
*****Setting an empty metadata item also deletes it, but is not documented.
****** String ‘Location’ is actually the attribute you want to remove from object and ‘x’ is to satisfy HTTP syntax and it is ignored.
Access control lists: |
Permissions based on PROJECT:USER |
demo:demo *:admin *:* |
Permissions based on referrer: |
.r:* |
Set ACLs: |
swift post -r ACL CONTAINER |
Clear ACLs: |
swift post -r "" CONTAINER |
Downloading object with wget using auth-token header: |
wget --header "x-auth-token: TOKEN_UUID*" $OBJECT_URL |
Allow any referrer to access file: |
swift post myvideos --read-acl '.referrer:*'** |
** In oreder to allow listings of a container add parameter ‘.referrer:*,.rlistings’ instead of just ‘.referrer:*’.
Temporary URLs: |
Create TempURL key: |
openstack object store account set --property temp-url-key=abc123 openstack container set --property temp-url-key=abc123 |
Generate TempURL: |
swift tempurl GET 86400 /v1/AUTH_..../myvideos/vid.mp4 abc123 * |
Generated URL: |
/v1/AUTH_..../myvideos/vid.mp4?temp_url_sig=fa28...&temp_url_expires=... |
Download TempURL with wget |
wget -O my-temp-titan.mp4 "http://CLOUD_IP:8080/v1/AUTH_..../myvideos/vid.mp4?temp_url_sig=fa28...&temp_url_expires=..." |
Large objects: |
Upload object and segment it into smaller parts: |
swift upload --segment-size=100M mycontainer bigobject* |
Example: |
swift upload --segment-size=1M big-container myvideo.mp4 |
Show object details: |
openstack object list big-container --long |
Delete containers: |
openstack container delete big-container** |
** Openstack will not delete container while there are segments in it.
*** Swift client will delete the main container ‘big-container’ and all it’s segments, but it will not delete container ‘big-container_segments’.